I tasted magnum first kiss for the first time today. Me and Amanda have been looking in every store after this ice cream. And today we found it in Ringarum, so we had to try it. One new favorite. If you haven't tried it, you should do it. Xx

Photos: Sara Nikolausson
Here is another lovely dress from YesFor.com. It's the most comfortable dress ever and i like the details on it. I like it simple. Xx
- ♥ ♥ ♥ -

Five photos from yesterday. Xx

Skirt: RiverIsland // Shoes: Angelica Blick for BikBok
Photos: Sara Nikolausson

- inspiration from the Vogue magazine -
I really should get ready. Because I'm already late, as usual. I'm going to Olivia this evening, we're gonna make dinner and I think matilda is going to come too. So it's gonna be girls night. I've missed them when I've been away. So I' looking forward for tonight. Xx

Photos taken by my beautiful mom.
So today i got surprised by my best friend. I got out from the gym this morning' and she was standing in front of my car. I still can't believe her. She's the best friend ever. She came home for me, because it's my birthday tomorrow. And tghat's not all, I also got a beautiful pink coat from her. Picture will come up here later this weekend. It's been over a month since i last saw her. So i've missed her. But now she's home.
Everyone should have a best friend like her ♥

- unstable ways is my solution to even space -

Photos: Sara Nikolausson
Dress from yesfor.com
I'm in love with this beautiful white dress I got from yesfor.com. I like simple dresses because you can make so much with it. So I've chosen to have a lot jewelry and to make it more like a festival look of it. But you can make so much more. But i think you should check out the website, yesfor.com for more. Xx

It's been awhile. but there's been so much going on in my life for the moment. First of all i'm in forsmark and working. Well i never thought in my life i would end up there but it's just for two month tho so it's not forever. But there's been a very tough time in my life this year. I don't like to talk about with so many strangers because it's hard for me to talk about it. I will make it short. But I've been very bad. I've been stressed about my future and it's been going on for three years or even more. But this year i got depressed and started to have panic attacks. I cried every night and i got so lost. I didn't feel for dressing up, i could go in the same clothes for weeks, just a pair of jeans and a hoodie. And if you know me, that's not me at all. I've went to the hospital and they said i'm to young to be depressed about the future, that i have my whole life in front of me. So I stared to talk to someone about everything and it takes time it sure do. But i'm on my way up again. And now I feel so much better, i'm more happy about life and i don't feel worried about the future like i did before. Because I just live one day at a time and I do what i feel like doing. I got a job at okg, and been there since may this year .But a month ago i went to forsmark to work for ISS. It's not what i want to do for the rest of my life but that's what i do for the moment. I have things i wanna do in my life and i will do them when i feel like doing them. I hope you understand now why I've been away from here. I didn't had inspiration. So it's been tough, because i love doing this. Taking photos and inspire others. And i promies i will do my best to be better to update here for now on. It's gonna be tough tho i am in forsmark but i will do my best. Xx• CHICAGO BULLS •