I never went to The gym. My body was not up for it, and i am so tierd so i thought i Will just take it easy Tonight instead. So right now i'm eating orange (Do you say orange? I don't know haha but anyway) and watching Gotham with my dad. Hope you'll have a Nice monday evening. XX
Four photos from last summer. As you can see, i loved my fluffy bag and my white skirt. So if it could please be summer soon, so i can wear skirts without tights. And all my favorite shoes. Then i would love life, and be happy. XX
From last night.
Monday again. And i can't say i have sleept very well.. So my Mood is not on my side today. But i Will Do my best to get through The day in The best way anyways. Later today i Will meet up Olivia at The gym after work. And after that i Will just relax and go to bed early. So yeah, this is how my day is gonna look like.. Original monday. XX
It's been a long day, so i really need to go to bed now so i can get up tomorrow. I havn't been doing much this weeked but i've been soooo tierd in my hole body. It's been a verry ruff week so hopefuly next week will be better. Hope you all had a nice weekend! XX
Ahh what i miss this place. There is something special with California. The weather, the lifestyle, all the dreams, yeah you cann feel it in the air when your there. It's been two years now, but i can still feel the feelings i had there when i just think about it. Hopefully i'll be there soon again. XX
My breakfast this morning. I did healthy banana pancakes. So yummi. XX
Two pics from our living room.
Godmorning. I got home from The gym and now i'm eating breakfast. Soon i'm meeting up some friends for a swedish fika. XX
Thailand -12.
Fridaaaay, you are more then welcome. This week has passed by so quickly but i don't mind. I really need two days off, so i'm more then happy. Later today Iam going to Kalmar for a dance workshop with my dance crew, it's gonna be fun. Hope you'll have a Nice friday. XX
I should first start with a good morning, hope you all had a Good night sleep, i sure did even tho i didn't got so many hours sleep. Right now i'm eating breakfast at work, i have alot to Do today, one is sick so i have her rooms today too. And after i finished today, i'm nerring up Olivia for The gym. XX
I thought I'll do a 10 things you don't know about me, I think this things is fun to read, at least what i'll think. So some things you maybe already know about me and some are maybe a suprize? I don't know, but let's find out.
- I have very easy to laugh and i'll never stop when I've started.
- I'm a vegitarian, and have been since wow i don't know for sure how long but for a very long time now.
- I don't drink alcohole, I never even tried it. The reason why, is that i don't have one haha. No really i don't now but i never felt for it (?).
- I believe in Jesus and god. And last summer I got a sign that he do exist. One of the coolest moments of my life.
- I'm afraid of the night, i don't like when it's dark outside and I have a problem of sleeping. AND i've seen to many horror movies..
- I have a wild fantasy, in 9th grade i made up a hole book ( just because i hate to read books and we had to read one and do an essay on it) and i got a really good grade on it. I think it was one of my best grades i ever got haha.
- The worst thing i know and really make me feel sick is Buggs.. Really i'm not kidding, i need to check every corner in my room and drag my bed out just to make sure is not any bugg or spider there. I know i'm weird but just the thought of a bugg makes me wanna throw up.
- I've said that i have a problem to fall a sleep, right? Yeah, I also have a problem of walking up (?) haha so when i finally fall a sleep I really can't get up.. I need to have 20 alarms just so i can hear the last one, it's not a joke. And sometimes i don't even hear that so my mom calls me on the phone every morning just to make clear i'm awake.. haha.
- One thing i would really want to try is to be an actor. I would love to be in movies and go back it time and yeah all that kind of things.
- And if i could, I'll marry Leornado Dicaprio.
I found some old photos from a brunch me and two friends did a few month ago. I would seriously do anyhing for this right now. The best thing i know is American Pancakes with nutella and some fresh fruits.YUMMMIE.
But Ahhh no stop talking now, i only get hungry when i look and talk about it. So i'll stop.
And about to get better with my update here, i will start this weekend. That's because It's so dark when i get home, so i can't take photos of what i'm wearing so i will take some outifts so i have for the hole week, (i will at least try, it all depends of my lill sis, She's the one who help me) so i have some i can use, even tho it's dark. Yeah, You get what i mean, i don't even think i need to explain it. So i don't why i do?! haha. But anyway hope you'll have a nice evening my lovely readers. XX
Remember the nights we drove around crazy in, love. When the lights go out we'll be safe and sound. We'll take control of the world like it's all we have to hold on to
and we'll be a dream.
Så igår införskaffade jag mig en ny dator, var på tiden om vi säger så. Behövde en ny om jag ska kunna göra allt de jag vill göra, och så kan jag komma igång med bloggen bättre. Blir roligare att blogg nu. PÅ tal om bloggen, jag kommer ibland skriva på engelska och ibland svenska. Vissa dagar dagar har jag ingen ork att tänka lite mer på hur man srkiver så då blir de på svenska, liksom så jag känner idag.
Har förövrigt sån fruktansvärd huvudverk och har hållt i sig sen i fredags kväll. Så har bara tagit de väldigt lungt denna helg. Har bara gått runt i morgonrock dem senaste dagarna. Men hoppas ni har haft en bra helg en så länge iallafall! XX
from last night when I was getting ready for dinner.
So yesterday I went out for dinner with two favorites. It's always so much fun and alot to talk about. My stomach is hurting from all the laughter I got last night. So I yeah I had a nice Friday. Hope you guys did as well. XX
✧♛✧ EDWALD ✧♛✧
Last summer.
Hoppas ni alla sov gott inatt, jag kände att jag kunde sova rätt okej inatt. Vi är ju trotts allt lediga idag, så ska inte klaga.
Dock vaknade jag med huvudverk, så får ta och vila lite idag. Har ändå rätt mycket att stå i. Har lite mail och annat jag måste ta itu med. Sen måste jag städa lite, men hoppas ni får en skön ledig dag. XX