
FINALLY I'M FINISHED haha. I really don't like to do this kind of things because it takes so long time to do this. But anyway, 2013 was the best year of my life. I've been in this kind of dream you don't wanna wake up from. My year started by moving to London for three month. And i absolutly loved it. I lived with a beautiful host family, got to know alot of beautiful people, and also got to know one of my childhood friends better and she is now one of my bestest friends today. I've seen my five boyfriends at O2 arena (1D) in London. I got home from London but when i got home it was just to pack again because me and my family and cousins went to LA to visit our friends there it's been 12 years since the last time we saw them. And I also been on some trips to Öland with my best buddy Linda and also been visiting my best friend Nicole in Linköping, and I been in Norrköping too, to visit my beautiful friend Becci. I also turend 20 this year so me and Linda went to London for just some days, but it was the funniest days in my life. I don't know but everytime we do something everything just goes wrong haha. I also been to Stockholm with Sis. Oh and i almost forgot, Me and my family and my nan went to Thailand for two weeks. So I've been traveling alot this year and I hope I will do some travling in 2014. Well this was my 2013. And I will remember this year for the rest of my life beacuse 2013 changed my life. ( my grama and spelling is not so good but hope you understand it anyway.) Xx

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